Welcome to henge.org.uk – the best travel blog for getaways in Europe where you can find lots of interesting information about how to plan your trip, how to travel better and how to save money!

We are enthusiastic bloggers who love holidays and who write day after day about amazing destinations and good travel deals. Our goal and the reason why we have created our blog are to inspire you and help you with finding of the right place for you to go, regardless of whether you travel with your family or on your own!

Here you can find many tips, guidelines, proven tricks and answers to questions related to every trip, like:

  • “When should I start planning my trip?”
  • “Where are the best travel deals?”
  • “How can I travel longer but for less?”
  • “Is it possible to save money when on vacation?”

The most important thing for you to know is that you are not alone… We all ask such questions, because everyone wants the best for its summer or winter holiday, right? And since we are up to our work, will be very happy to help you live your life in the best way possible – by exciting trips!

To facilitate our readers, we have created several categories where can be found detailed information corresponding to the topic.Bulgaria-Sofia

Family Advices for Holidaymakers is the first category you will see by clicking on the home page of our blog. Here you will find very interesting articles dedicated to all family people who travel with their children and who are looking for family-friendly destinations!

Home services reviews by Hange.org.uk  – the section where we publish useful tips and information in regard to your home. If you need to find cleaning or maintenance companies, or to get some advises about how to make better your daily round, here is the right place!

Nature and Health holidays destinations by Hange.org.ukhere are all the articles related to great vacations among beautiful nature and fresh air! Across the Europe there are many gorgeous resorts famous with its healing properties and ecologically clean environment. If you want to understand where the best SPA resorts are, click on this category!

Other useful stuff by Hange.org.uksometimes we publish interesting articles about many various topics, so follow this category and will be surprised ;).

Summer holidays destinations by Hange.org.uk  is one of the most visited categories in our blog! See where the hottest summer resorts along the seashores in Europe are and how to have an amazing vacation during the most favorite season to all of us!Summer-Holidays

Winter holidays destinations by Hange.org.ukthe place where you will find long list of attractive mountain and ski resorts, what they offer and when you have to book your vacation for getting the best price deals!